How to Handle Negative Online Reviews Like A Pro

online reviews property management

All businesses are sure to receive negative online reviews from disgruntled customers from time to time. A few bad comments among many good ones aren't likely to break a restaurant or retailer's reputation, but the same can't be said for property owners and managers. Satisfied tenants are far less likely to leave reviews for property managers than dissatisfied ones, which means that negative feedback online can have a tremendous impact on your business. For this reason, it's very important to deal with them quickly and appropriately. Here's how:

Clarity is Key

Establishing realistic expectations with tenants from the beginning is necessary to ensure they stay satisfied with what they receive. Always be honest about your properties and their surrounding locations. Trying to sell prospective renters by portraying features as better than they are will only cause problems in the long run.

Monitor Reviews

To ensure that you are always aware of where you stand with your customers, it's wise to set up an alert system to notify you any time your properties are mentioned online. This allows you to address problems in real time as they come up, not just stumble upon them when damage may have already been done.

Respond Professionally 

Receiving a negative review online is not only bound to happen at some point, it can also be turned into a positive, so don't stress when you see one. It's critical that you respond to every negative review, even if it seems ridiculous, in a professional, concerned, and polite manner. This lets prospective tenants see that you are accountable, care about your tenants, and are eager to offer a solution. 

Responding professionally can be a fine line, though. To not make an unfortunate situation worse, do not:

  • Ignore the issue- at best it will confirm whatever it is the person is saying about you, and at worst it will look like you don't care.
  • Get defensive- even if you feel justified or like you're under attack, it's best to take ownership of the problem.
  • Get into an outline disagreement- every now and then, you may experience someone who just wants to argue. Don't engage in what could turn into a viral disaster for the world to see. If a short, polite apology does not satisfy them, offer to discuss the issue with the offline. 

Be Prompt

The longer that a negative review sits online without a response is more time that potential tenants are likely to see it. Responding quickly when a complaint surfaces is the best way to do damage control before your reputation suffers. It will also show prospective customers that you are punctual and handle business in a timely manner.

Utilize Happy Customers

To let potential tenants know what makes your properties and working with you great, encourage satisfied renters to leave an online review for you. This is an effective way to get real, honest feedback about your business, while providing positive publicity for you, too.

HomeTeam Property Management

No one likes getting a bad review online for the world to see, but the way you respond to these situations will make all the difference in how potential customers view you in spite of them. By establishing realistic expectations with customers, staying aware of your online presence, encouraging happy customers to share their opinions, and responding to criticism professionally, you will ensure that your business' reputation continues to thrive.

For more tips on how to respond to negative reviews online like a pro, contact HomeTeam Property Management today. When it comes to premier property management, you'll find HomeTeam Property Management lives up to its stellar reputation in every way. 




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