Reversible Upgrades When Leasing a Home in San Diego County

Even the nicest landlords and most accommodating property managers don’t allow tenants to rip down walls or make major permanent changes to the dwelling. If you aren’t sure whether an upgrade or decorating improvement you want to make violates the lease, check with your property manager. Fortunately, most renters don’t have to settle for a home that feels like a sterile hotel. Reversible upgrades, furnishings and décor items make a rental home feel like a house while expressing our personality and flair. According to a piece by, even though most millennials still want to own a home only 9 percent actually plan to buy one within the next year. Because you don’t own the rental home, it’s extremely important to get a property manager’s signed approval before starting any “projects.”

Painting the walls

Feel free to go paint shopping, but don’t come home with anything other than paint sample brochures until talking with your property manager. In most cases, your property manager or landlord already painted before you moved in. If the color is just not exactly what you want, show your property manager a few samples. If you don’t get the go-ahead, it’s possible your property manager does not allow tenants to make improvements. Another option is to agree to forgo the deposit if you don’t paint the walls back to the original color.

Fixing the lighting problems

One of the best ways to improve lighting in a rental home is to bring in floor lamps and table-top lights as opposed to changing out the pendant lighting or ceilings fans. In rare cases, your property manager might approve of an upgrade to a ceiling fan or lighting fixture, but it’s unlikely. To better understand the reasoning, consider the other side of the equation. A rental property owner typically makes upgrades, improvements and maintains a property as part of an investment strategy. The advantage of buying lamps for the people leasing a home is that they can take the lamps with them when they leave.

Transforming the bathroom

When you own a home, it’s easy to transform a bathroom with low-cost upgrades. But even when you lease a home in San Diego County, get creative with the bathroom décor. Fresh flowers, coordinating shower curtains, bath mats and sets make the room pop even if you don’t paint, change out the floors or medicine cabinets. As far as storage, but a wicker shelf that’s removable. Any shelves go above the bathroom bowl with plenty of room for storing towels and other bath items. According to, it costs about $500 to $800 to re-glaze the bathroom including the tile and bath tub. Again, check with the property manager before re-glazing or even replacing a shower head. In some cases, your property manager will simply replace an old or rusty shower head.

Hanging art in a safe way

In addition to hanging beautiful drapes and throwing down colorful rugs in the home you are leasing, consider using safe art hangers to display art work throughout your rental. While it’s tricky to decorate open concept spaces, art helps you define the spaces. Other ways to define space include furniture groupings such as setting up a dining area in one corner and the sofa with television in another area. Use bookcase room dividers, screens and rugs to define space. When furnishing a rental home, get as creative as you want. You take the furniture with you when you move out which saves you money compared to more permanent improvements.

At HomeTeam Property Management, we help people find beautiful rental homes in San Diego County at a competitive price. For more tips on reversible improvements and helping finding a home to inspire you, please contact us. We have wonderful leasing opportunities as well as offer help for property managers and investors in San Diego County.



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