Get Back the Deposit by Preventing Pet Damage When Leasing a Home


Few people want to lose their deposit when leasing a home. Instead of frantically steam cleaning carpet or looking up ways to hide pet stains, consider preventing pet damage as a renter. According to an article by, pets are an important part of any family. Landlords love pets too, but don’t want to deal with property loss and damage due to neglect or carelessness. Sadly, the Humane Society points out that housing problems is the No. 1 reason people turn their pets into animal shelters. By taking a few proactive steps, you can ensure your pet doesn’t disturb neighbors or damage your San Diego County rental home or apartment. Depending on the breed and size of your pet, it could be more difficult to find a rental home. Experts with the Humane Society recommend showing a letter of reference from a past landlord as well as proof that your dog attended a training class. Keeping spayed and neutered information as well as vaccination background also helps. Don’t sign a lease that forbids pets if you intend to keep a pet at a San Diego County rental home.  

Preventing cat scratching

If you own a cat, prevent destructive scratching by giving your cat appropriate toys. Any cats scratch to remove the outer layer of their claws. It’s a normal and instinctive behavior. Provide a scratching post so your cat does not scratch the carpet or wood in the home. Other ideas include attaching cotton balls soaked in citrus or menthol scents in places where you don’t want them to scratch. Keep your cat groomed as well by trimming the claws. As far as litter box problems, keep it clean so your cat does not decide to eliminate in another spot. The rule is to use one litter box for each cat. Pet experts point out that most cats like the fine-grained litters, but look for clumping litter that you can easily scoop up. Outdoor cats often gravitate to houseplants, but avoid messes by putting rocks on the top of the soil.

Keeping your dog occupied

If you own a dog, prevent damage to your rental home by keeping your dog occupied whether you are home or away. An article by, points out that some dogs experience separation anxiety which leads them to jump on the windowsill or damage your home. Some ideas include using baby gates to keep your dog in his or her area of the home. Let your dog out a lot. Even if you live in a rental home with a fenced yard, take your dog for frequent walks. Dog chews, dog toys and soft background music help keep your dog calm. Some dog owners leave the television on for the dog while they are at work. If you need more help preventing pet damage, look into doggy day care. Hiring a pet walker is another proactive move. Before putting in a dog flap or doggy door, talk to your landlord.

As far as exotic pets, always check with a landlord about the specifics. If your landlord allows you to keep an exotic pet, make sure you use the proper cages or keep the pet secure. Responsible pet ownership goes a long way in creating trust when leasing a home. Also, keeping your pets happy and quiet makes you a good neighbor.

At HomeTeam Property Management, we help people find beautiful rental homes for their leasing needs in San Diego County. Whether you are looking for a home to rent or have a rental home, please contact us. We also specialize in property management, helping rental property owners protect their assets and enforce leases.



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